Land West of School Lane, Whitminster
Public Consultation

An Outline planning application for a residential development of up to 45 dwellings, associated infrastructure, and landscaping, with vehicular access off School Lane is being prepared. As part of this the views of local people are being sought on the proposals.
Before the application is submitted to Stroud District Council, we are seeking the views of the local community on the draft proposals.
This public consultation website has been created to present the draft proposals to the local community to receive comments and views on the proposed development.
Site Location Plan
The proposed development site is situated to the west of School Lane and is broadly rectangular in shape. The site is adjacent to existing residential properties to the north and a recently consented residential development of 45 dwellings immediately to the south (Stroud District Council Reference: S.22/0423/OUT).

Site Location Plan
The Proposals
The illustrative masterplan for the proposed development shows an area to provide up to 45 dwellings.
As shown on the illustrative masterplan the proposed development also includes landscaping
enhancements, a local area of play (LAP) drainage attenuation, public open space and vehicular access to the site connecting from School Lane through the recently consented development to the south.
The illustrative masterplan shows how the site could be laid out to accommodate the proposed
Illustrative Masterplan
The application site as a whole extends to 2.8Ha and is located to the northwest of Whitminster, immediately to the west of School Lane and north of the approved development of up to 45 dwellings (Stroud District Council Reference: S.22/0423/OUT). The site is well related to the built form of Whitminster.
The site is proposed to meet the housing land supply shortfall of Stroud District Council and will provide a range of affordable housing.
Supporting Documents
The application will be accompanied by a number of other technical documents looking at matters including; transport, drainage, flood risk, ecology and landscape

Contact & Feedback
Please provide any further comments you have on the proposal in the text box below.
You can also submit comments by email or post using the details provided.
Postal Address: Pegasus Group, 33 Sheep Street, Cirencester, GL7 1RQ
By responding to this consultation by post or email, you consent to the use of your data for the purposes of research relating to this application only. Any personal information collected will be used by Pegasus Group in accordance with data protection legislation and our Privacy Notice* and will only be retained for as long as is necessary for the purpose of preparing and submitting the planning application.
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